The web server interact to determine whether to allow a web page to accessĪ resource from different origin.
The limitations of same-origin security policy is possible using a techniqueĬalled Cross-origin resource sharing or simplyĬORS is a mechanism that defines a procedure in which the browser and Hostname or port of the resource do not match that of the page. The origin is considered to be different when the scheme, Permit a web page to access resources who origin differ than that of theĬurrent page. This is a security policy who defines the rules of how a web page canĪccess an external resource (e.g. The same-origin policy restriction in effect Same-Origin Policy
As result is that the AJAX request is not performed and dataĪre not retrieved. Usually, this happens when you execute AJAXĬross domain request using jQuery Ajax interface, Fetch API, or plain A common problem for developers is a browser to refuse access to a remote